
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020


  Today I have thought about watching videos in English related to museums in the world. I think that watching these types of videos is an entertaining way to learn English and to learn more about the resources we have in the world. Museums are often useful to learn English because you can take a guide who speaks to you in English and that way you learn much more. The fact of traveling helps a lot to improve the language, but as it is now difficult to travel, I am satisfied with being able to see videos of the museums there are and listen to a little explanation about them. I encourage you to discover what interesting museums there are in the world. Here are the links to access these videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRN8jVqWcqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcTqaCwBBcQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J3nEoyQfE0 I have also found some cartoons about visiting a museum in case you are interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHo928fd2wE


  Today I have found different resources to read books and stories online. I think that reading can be very useful to acquire the grammatical structures of sentences, it can help us to know how to make sentences for ourselves. The more we practice reading, the better we remember how sentences are made. That is why it is important to get used to reading different texts. I have found stories for children and also for adults to be able to improve the level little by little. I have also found stories on YouTube so that we can also practice listening comprehension and pay attention to the pronunciation of words. Below I attach several links so that you can practice reading! I encourage you to do it, it is a first step to improve in the language! https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/general-english/stories https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/short-stories https://www.englishclub.com/reading/short-stories.htm https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=english+stories https://...


Today I have decided to start making my personal diary. In order to practice writing and improve it, I have thought that it is best to start writing simple texts about things that happen to me in my day to day life. I have also talked with my teacher Elaine to practice making sentences and speaking aloud what she thinks about something or talks about what I am going to do now or what she says before. So in this way I also put into practice the tenses and also learn new vocabulary. I think it's a good way to start to become more familiar with English and to improve little by little. I encourage you to try it! It can be fun and an entertaining and natural way to learn. What I am going to do is first write sentences by myself and then look for them in the translator to see if I have written them correctly or not. In this way, if I am wrong and see what things I have been wrong in, I can learn from my mistakes. This is the most effective way to improve in writing, learning from the thi...


This afternoon I visited the website of  https://www.ted.com/talks?sort=newest&language=en and I have been watching different conferences. It is interesting because it is an entertaining way to learn English, you practice listening comprehension and you also learn new knowledge about different topics. It is also a way to acquire new vocabulary and look at how the sentences are made to learn how the structure is. For me it is a good experience that I encourage you to do. You can look for topics that you like and thus you will pay more attention because it will be interesting to you and you will be able to learn English much better. I have also looked for lectures with English subtitles to make it easier to understand what they are saying. Below I attach the link so you can see them. https://www.ted.com/search?q=english+subtitles


Today, like every Saturday, I have made a video call on Zoom with my classmate Jordi. First we have been talking about aspects of English that seem more difficult for us and we have given each other tips to improve the level. We have proposed to work on everything that is difficult for us. We have been doing exercises to differentiate "tell" and "say", we have been describing everything we saw in some images to be able to practice verbal communication and we have also asked ourselves different questions as if it were an interview. Today, above all, we have practiced speaking, which is one of the things that costs us the most. We find it difficult because some words that we think of in Spanish we cannot say in English. So we have said Spanish phrases in some moments and we have looked for their translation in English. The truth is that today we have learned several expressions or phrases and also a lot of vocabulary. Doing these activities together makes learning mor...


During this week, every day I am reading and listening to poems in English. I think that it is a good way to learn to understand English also from a more literary perspective and to learn new forms of expression and vocabulary. I like to read poems because that way you acquire more culture. I have also decided to listen to the poems on YouTube because apart from reading the sentences I can also practice pronunciation and listening comprehension. Below I am going to attach a few links so that you too can practice your English by reading and listening to poems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-n0PbSdxL4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsLPDWRa_yY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVJdl_fU_ak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5HKMfRzEgM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRrXEXMCDhU https://lithub.com/the-32-most-iconic-poems-in-the-english-language/ http://www.english-for-students.com/TOP-100-Poems.html https://100.best-poems.net/ https://mydailyspanish.com/spanish-poems/ https://classicalpoe...