This morning I went to the library in my town to see what books there were to learn English. And then I have found books of all kinds: some are on grammar, others adapted with expressions for travelers, others with listenings and transcriptions and I have also picked up a couple of magazines in English: one of them is Speak-Up which comes with one built-in CD and the other is a magazine produced in Catalonia called Catalonia today where current news in the territory is discussed. In addition, I have taken a classic dictionary to learn more vocabulary and a visual dictionary in which images of different objects, people, animals and plants appear with their respective names.

I have proposed that every day I will start working with these resources to be able to notice that I improve my English language.

I have taken many books but I will extend the deadline to have them and thus be able to practice until the end of the course, in order to better prepare for the final level exam.

I hope I can improve my level and see positive changes in myself.

Today I have bought a specific notebook for everything that I will work with these books and thus be able to have organized notes of the theory and exercises that I am doing, to be able to have one more resource for the preparation of the final exam.

As the days go by I will tell you what are the books, magazines and dictionaries that I have been using for my learning.

In the library of my town they have proposed that every Friday at the end of the month I participate in a "Reading Club". It's an online class with an English philology teacher and with students of different levels to comment on a reading book that we have to read every month. I also wanted to join the "Conversation groups or corner" but it coincides with Monday's online classes at the Official School of Languages ​​and that is why it has not been possible.

I encourage you to take advantage of the resources in your municipal library to have more ways to learn your level of English.

Finally, I would like to share with you the access link to the website of the municipal library of my town: Torrelles de Llobregat
